Jesse Musson
In this chapter I'm going to describe which forces God uses to influence mankind.
In this chapter I describe how the Christ figure relates to the 3 evil forces.
In this chapter, I'm going to describe how identity problems and aggression have a lot to do with each other.
In this chapter, I'm going to talk about the fact that people develop sexual identity through the influence of childhood experiences.
In this chapter, I'm going to describe how transgender people are not born that way and that they can also be helped with psychotherapy.
In this chapter I describe what emasculation is, how it relates to eunuchs and how to prevent it from being traumatic.
In this chapter, I'm going to describe how taken over people can be recognized.
In this section, I briefly list some examples of people who have been taken over, some of whom have themselves hinted at their takeover and the way it happens.
In this chapter, I'm going to shine light on the phenomenon of ‘reptilian aliens’. How can we interpret this?
In this chapter, I'm going to address misconceptions about the brain and its function.
In this chapter, I will describe how to develop yourself in a healthy way.
In this chapter, I'm going to briefly describe my interpretation of what is happening in the sky above us.
In this chapter I'm going to describe the torus, which is the way in which energy flows organize in the world within us and around us.
In this chapter I will describe the 4 natural forces, which can be unified by the 4 elements, and I will explain the physics of consciousness some more.
In this chapter I will discuss the many witness accounts of Satanic ritual abuse, and I will view the subject from different angles.
In this chapter I pose the question of whether we may be in Satan's ‘little season’ after Christ's Millennial Kingdom, which may be cloaked by the Middle Ages.
In this chapter I describe how both the benign and the evil powers are currently harvesting souls on Earth.
In this chapter I'm going to describe my views on abortion and criticize the one-liners and bad arguments of the pro-abortion clan, which is huge.
This chapter provides critical thought on the madness surrounding the Corona virus; it puts the crisis in perspective; and it discusses an interesting theory of its ‘why’.
This chapter provides a critical view of what HIV infection and the disease AIDS mean. People really do get sick, but blaming the HIV virus is unscientific.
This chapter describes that becoming famous isn't attractive. I'm convinced that we should give children another ideal to strive for.
In this chapter I talk about theocracy, and share the sins I have been guilty of in my life.
This article puts the World War II into perspective and explains one big lie of it.
This article puts the World War II into perspective and explains one big lie of it.
In this chapter I talk about theocracy, and share the sins I have been guilty of in my life.
This chapter describes that becoming famous isn't attractive. I'm convinced that we should give children another ideal to strive for.
This chapter provides a critical view of what HIV infection and the disease AIDS mean. People really do get sick, but blaming the HIV virus is unscientific.
This chapter provides critical thought on the madness surrounding the Corona virus; it puts the crisis in perspective; and it discusses an interesting theory of its ‘why’.
In this chapter I'm going to describe my views on abortion and criticize the one-liners and bad arguments of the pro-abortion clan, which is huge.
In this chapter I describe how both the benign and the evil powers are currently harvesting souls on Earth.
In this chapter I pose the question of whether we may be in Satan's ‘little season’ after Christ's Millennial Kingdom, which may be cloaked by the Middle Ages.
In this chapter I will discuss the many witness accounts of Satanic ritual abuse, and I will view the subject from different angles.
In this chapter I will describe the 4 natural forces, which can be unified by the 4 elements, and I will explain the physics of consciousness some more.
In this chapter I'm going to describe the torus, which is the way in which energy flows organize in the world within us and around us.
In this chapter, I'm going to briefly describe my interpretation of what is happening in the sky above us.
In this chapter, I will describe how to develop yourself in a healthy way.
In this chapter, I'm going to address misconceptions about the brain and its function.
In this chapter, I'm going to shine light on the phenomenon of ‘reptilian aliens’. How can we interpret this?
In this section, I briefly list some examples of people who have been taken over, some of whom have themselves hinted at their takeover and the way it happens.
In this chapter, I'm going to describe how taken over people can be recognized.
In this chapter I describe what emasculation is, how it relates to eunuchs and how to prevent it from being traumatic.
In this chapter, I'm going to describe how transgender people are not born that way and that they can also be helped with psychotherapy.
In this chapter, I'm going to talk about the fact that people develop sexual identity through the influence of childhood experiences.
In this chapter, I'm going to describe how identity problems and aggression have a lot to do with each other.