
In this article, I describe how I'm being threatened in an indirect way once more, if I don't continue to honor my responsibilities.

One more indirect threat!

I’ve been busy with some other things for a while! I’ve been suffering a lot from procrastination and escapism, the last few years. I usually don’t feel enough strength to do daily tasks like household things and taking care of myself properly. And then I’m constantly behind my computer, the only thing I can do. But behind the computer you can also make yourself useful, so that doesn’t always have to be a problem, but lately I’ve been in great need of relaxing. And that was reason again for the entities that have taken over my family and friends, to threaten me and point out my responsibilities again, all indirectly of course. This time my father made a drawing of me. My real father was always very good at drawing, and the actor who is now in my father’s body takes advantage of that. He drew me like a corpse. With sunken cheeks and dark sunken eyes. He looked absolutely nothing like me, but it was perfectly clear that it was a corpse face. So in these and more indirect ways, these entities threaten me. Very subtle. And every time I don’t spend 100% of my time sharing information and I am busy with other things, they threaten me. It does keep me wide awake. And it makes sure, that I continue the things I started. But sometimes it would just be nice if I were really free. In this way I am not! But maybe I have to reclaim my own freedom, by telling these guys the truth, maybe I’ll do that again, although I often think that I really can’t do that anymore! Well, and there you are! So I still have to hold on! But it is hard for me! It’s no fun to be constantly busy with heavy subjects! Sometimes the world just feels too heavy for me. After all, they ARE heavy subjects that I am dealing with.

My taken-over father had also recently sent me a David Bowie song, “Life on Mars,” in the version by The Swingle Singers, the singing group his original self used to be such a fan of. Again, it has a clear message about escapism. So in that respect, it’s very appropriate at this point in my life.

On Wikipedia it says the following:
_Bowie summed up the song as “A sensitive young girl’s reaction to the media.” In 1997, he added: “I think she finds herself disappointed with reality… that although she’s living in the doldrums of reality, she’s being told that there’s a far greater life somewhere, and she’s bitterly disappointed that she doesn’t have access to it.
Living in the doldrums of reality is when your reality has become a dead end. Something I recognize very much. I have also been told that there is a better life somewhere. At least: I have read about it. But you have to do something for it. And that is: choosing for Christ. Something I want very much. And the disappointment that I don’t have access to that, I also have from time to time. My life has been so full of injustice. And because of the things that have happened, I am being opposed incredibly inside to achieving my very deep-seated desire for this better life.. I can so imagine experiencing the same thing every life. The lyrics of “Life on Mars” also say, “But the film is a saddening bore, For she’s lived it ten times or more”. Do I perhaps make the same mistake every life? Looking purely at the situation, it is not my mistakes that have brought me to this point. Rather, it is the mistakes of others. If you look purely at who was responsible. But I can look at how my behavior played into that, but it always also depends on the personalities of the people who made the mistakes. And actually you can also view it in such a way that what happened in therapy, wasn’t a mistake at all. Suppose that in our lives we have the choice to choose for good or for evil. And that entities that are active on the Earth have the goal of leading you away from the good path, so that you choose for evil. Then my therapists making a mistake and me walking down this perhaps dead-end road, would be a good thing! Because it prevents me from choosing or having chosen evil. In that respect, they can torture me all they want. If the choice is: become evil and live a good life, or remain good and live a bad life, I will always choose the bad life. But maybe there is another choice to make. Because you also need your evil feelings to become benign. I’ve always said that. So maybe I’m not so good-natured at all. In any case, I can think of many areas of improvement. Because we are all tainted in this world.

The world is also tainted. Look at the fact that everything decays if you don’t keep putting energy into it, this entropy. And the fact that we have to eat other living things, like animals and plants, to stay alive. And the fact that if you do what everyone else is doing, you will be flooded with masses of positive attention and riches, reinforcing it even more, and the fact, that if you don’t do what everyone else is doing, or fail at something, you will be ignored, or flooded with hatred, only making it go from bad to worse. Horrible for those who fail in their way, beyond their control. It’s just one big shit show, but that’s the design of the reality we call Earth.

It’s by experiencing pain that we learn, but pain can be so out of proportion that it is damaging. My taken-over father said to my niece, (who I also suspect they didn’t spare of being taken over), when she fell in rollerblading, “No big deal, it’s just pain!” For these reptiles, pain is a daily occurrence. If they do not listen to their superiors, they are tortured. Look at Dutch politician Geert Wilders who has a lot of brown spots on his face, and then explains it’s the result of cutting himself shaving! But no, these entities are tortured if they don’t do what they are told. And they “eat the pain”. That is, they blow themselves up with aggression and indulge their aggression inside so that they can handle the pain. This is an act of “devouring”, because you are literally destroying, or “eating” your inner representations in your head of people to whom you are attached! That is why it is called “eating” the pain. They say “eating” these inner representations is necessary to really become independent, but that’s a load of bullocks. This is absolutely not necessary. You can have the best of both worlds: Independence at the one hand, and the capacity to form meaningful connections at the other hand. You can do this by constructively imploding. That is a blissful state in and of itself and the real middle path.
John Podesta, former White House chief of staff when Bill Clinton was president, and Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, has been caught making this sick statement as well, about “eating the pain”. Actually, “eating” pain is the same as fighting pain. Those doing that are precisely NOT welcoming the pain, but preventing it from entering them. By allowing it to come in, you can live through it and it can form your identity, so that you can then really let it go. But sometimes the pain is too great to really live through it and let it go, and that probably also applies to the entities I’m writing about, who are thus tortured if they don’t do what their superiors say, and thus can’t escape from this situation. So then it’s better not to take on the pain. But it comes across as rather immature, when in fact they think your objections to harm and pain are immature. Hilarious! Because if you want to call yourself a decent alien, you don’t avoid pain. You can unempathically say to another person, “No big deal, it’s just pain!” And meanwhile threaten your “son”, but meanwhile you yourself are fighting the pain. So that is very hypocritical. I also notice it when I say something confronting to these entities. They are then immediately ready to defend themselves indignantly or launch a counterattack. I thought you guys think it’s just pain, but you’re the first to protest a few clever words, while you kill others and expect them to still love you. Incredibly weak! And kind of hilarious. They act like they’re sup er strong and they really think they are very strong, but actually they are not at all. Because aggression is all they have. There is nothing else! They are therefore also very easy to control by everything that is outside of them. That is not the case with me, I control myself internally, and therefore things that are outside of me, can control me less easily. But, that being controlled by something that is outside of you, happens all the time with these entities, because they are forcibly ordered to punch down, and they do it. And the crazy thing is that they find that very normal and don’t think about the fact that instead of punching down, they can unite to punch up. If you really want to show that you have a sense of responsibility, then do that, even if it costs you your life!

This world is run by absolute brutes. Intensely evil non-human creatures that most people cannot imagine. But always remember that God allows these creatures to do their evil work. For as unpleasant as it may be and as hard as it may be to believe, the interplay of the various evil forces in this world creates good, if you choose to learn from it. Once in a while, the different people are then separated from each other, based on how much they have learned. Everyone ends up in the place where they fit most.

Yet I have intense compassion for these entities. As I wrote in my article Angels and Demons, these entities were placed here because in a previous cycle they could not keep up in their development with their peers. They could have chosen to walk the benign path, but did not. And now they are allowed to do what they do best, to advance the part of humanity they do not kill. Where their future lies, I do not know. But perhaps they will be allowed to try again to purify themselves of evil, if they finish their task here. In fact, it is a sacrifice they make and I think it is important to forgive them for what they do and have done. Although it doesn’t mean that I allow everything. And I have to say that I don’t feel like sitting down with my taken-over family anymore, when they threaten me by drawing me as a corpse. That’s understandable, right? UPDATE: I went to see them today, and it wasn’t too bad. They behaved pretty much as normal, though they are always a lot more agitated.

Oh yeah, another thing I want to say is that these entities are telepathic. I have caught them on several occasions knowing what is going on inside my mind. I was at my taken-over parents’ house and my taken-over sister was somewhere else and sent a picture, where she looked very cheerful and happy, happier than my original sister has ever looked, and that hurt me so much that I got sad. I wanted to go home quickly then, and the moment I wanted to leave, my father made an insensitive comment about sadness and tears. But I’ve noticed it several other times as well, and have come across info in many different places that these clones/drones/aliens are telepathic. Dan Winter describes in his videos how these telepathic entities cannot feel empathy, because they cannot feel another person as themselves. And that’s kind of apt, because I haven’t been able to catch my family members feeling empathy. Most of the time they are just acting it! When my parents have conversations with people they’ve encountered, I always notice the “fuck off” vibe in them. It’s very subtle, and most people don’t realize this and just keep talking, because they believe they just have my original parents in front of them. Bizarre! But because of this telepathy and their ability to see your aura, they are well equipped to treat you, as the measly Muggle you are in their eyes.

Lastly, here are the lyrics to “Life on Mars” by David Bowie, whose version of The Swingles I was thus sent by my taken-over father.

Life on Mars - David Bowie

It's a God-awful small affair
To the girl with the mousy hair
But her mummy is yelling, "No"
And her daddy has told her to go

But her friend is nowhere to be seen
Now she walks through her sunken dream
To the seat with the clearest view
And she's hooked to the silver screen

But the film is a saddening bore
For she's lived it ten times or more
She could spit in the eyes of fools
As they ask her to focus on

Sailors fighting in the dance hall
Oh man, look at those cavemen go
It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the lawman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man, wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?

It's on America's tortured brow
That Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow
Now the workers have struck for fame
'Cause Lennon's on sale again
See the mice in their million hordes
From Ibiza to the Norfolk Broads
Rule Britannia is out of bounds
To my mother, my dog, and clowns
But the film is a saddening bore
'Cause I wrote it ten times or more
It's about to be writ again
As I ask you to focus on

Sailors fighting in the dance hall
Oh man, look at those cavemen go
It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the lawman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man, wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?

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