
In this article, I describe three examples of people trying to convince me to give everything up. I explain why I cannot do that and describe this choice between Christ and Antichrist.

All must choose?

I’ve often thought that the timeline we’re all on goes on forever, but so many people are being taken over lately that I don’t honestly think we have much time left. Perhaps I’m looking at it like a distorted image, but the ferocity of it all is very intense and I think more and more, it all points to a vastly accelerated catalyzing development, not a slow development that will take centuries. The Satanic forces think they can get man along in their New World Order. And the Luciferic forces, think that the people are going to confront the ruling powers, and that we are now moving from a long period of Water-energy to a long period of Air-energy. And attempts are being made on both those sides to make that happen. But we may not find the truth until we start looking at the Christ-Antichrist level. (For more information on these evil forces, read the chapters How God influences mankind and Lucifer vs. Satan & Christ vs. Antichrist from Section 3 of my story). In my last few articles I have discussed the resurrection of Christ and Antichrist, and I have asked the question, are these two resurrections equal to each other? I still don’t have the answer to this.

But I have been hearing a number of things in recent weeks, all leading to one thing. It started with an email in my mailbox from a man I refer to in my article Sexual fears as “a liar with whom I had previous contact”. He speaks of the abject game being played here on Earth with the living souls, who are bombarded from all sides with ever-increasing evil, so that they can develop faster and faster. He states that it is the love of the game that keeps the game going. So if you align yourself with the game, then you are actually giving your approval for the game. To continue to produce texts on your site, as I do, would then mean that you approve of the game and cooperate. I can see that you can feel like a slave to the game that way. But what is forgotten is that if you do it with full inspiration, and an intact intention, then it does not feel at all like being a slave, but rather it is purely embracing your duty to inform humanity. The man in my mailbox is trying to convince me that if you want to stop the game, you must immediately give your life and thus stop cooperating. I think in that case you will be taken over, and if everyone does this, the whole world will be taken over. But if you produce works for a long time in a row, you will also be taken over. Is one version the Christ version of resurrection and the other the Antichrist version of resurrection? Or is it exactly the other way around? Or is there no difference between the Christ and Antichrist resurrection, and they are both rotten? And does the condition of the human being in question before the takeover matter how the entity taken over will eventually be, and is it more of an inner change than a takeover?

I encounter the same position of not participating in the game in this video by Brenda Weltner. She describes how we must follow Christ and willingly allow our Selves to die. Spritually, but for some also physically in the future. She argues that there are two resurrections: the resurrection of the ruling powers (the top authority of which I call Antichrist), who have no problem destroying their entire system, in what they call The Great Reset, which is the rising of the phoenix from the ashes. And the other resurrection, that would be the resurrection of the Christ, which are those people who have had their Self killed. She explains somewhat how to do that, which amounts to letting go of your ego, but here again there is a confusion: it could be very well taken as if you have to immediately give up your life and fight for nothing. So, in that view, you have to give up all your struggle, and you need to submit to all the evil forces, giving them their way, and therefore voluntarily give up your life. If that is the goal, then I must honestly admit, I don’t really see the point of that. I never have. Who knows, maybe she is right and if you do, you will be rewarded for it. But what is the point? Christ, it is said, would have done it too. He would not have resisted the ruling powers of the day. But for that you have to have big balls. It can come across as incredibly powerful. If the whole world is going to come to this Christ-power, then all the taken over Antichrist entities (all the fallen angels, as Weltner describes) would be on Earth at some point in the near future, along with the resurrected Christ-activated man. Whereupon the Antichrist humans will find physical death, and the Christ humans will inherit the Earth, at least, that’s what it comes down to.

But to be honest, I can’t just give up my fight. I don’t feel like it. I feel a strength, with which I want to resist. Even though it may not bring me anything at all, it is who I am. Someone who does give up the struggle, and voluntarily gives up her life, is one whose testimony I posted about in Satanic ritual abuse in Section 3 of my story. She contacted me to ask why I still have her testimony online, even though she requested the original sources to be taken offline. I emailed her back and told her that I copied the video from YouTube, and don’t want to take it offline, because I think it’s important that it’s being shared, and don’t quite understand why she wants the video to be offline. What we often see is taken over people retracting their story, and this is exactly what we see with this lady. She later sent me an audio message explaining her side of the story, and I can understand that. But in the email that contains the audio message, she says, “Takeover is in progress,” which could still be understood differently in the context in question, but in the audio message she tells me that I am writing about the phenomenon of “takeover”. To which those words in the e-mail suddenly become very weird. Furthermore, I cannot respond to the e-mail because she has closed all her e-mail addresses. She protects everyone, both in the email, and the perpetrators of the ritual abuse she suffered. She calls the Dragons I write about on my site (which I think are the Satanic entities), the “black sheep” of the cosmic family. These Dragons are currently running the world, and now that they are finally starting to get pushback, they are suddenly the black sheep, which this lady identifies with. “They are also part of it all,” which I have never denied. I have been very understanding of these Dragons in my various articles. But does that mean that when you are walking down an alley and you see a man raping a little girl, you should not intervene, because he is part of the Plan, and he can use the pain he generates to set something in motion in the girl? No, of course not. And the same thing I said to this lady. Because if Satanic ritual abuse is still happening, then we should not resign ourselves to this, and just give up our lives, but then we should do everything to make it better. And so choose love. Because the strange thing is that this lady says she is protected by both the dark forces and the light forces. But she in no way takes advantage of this protection, by continuing to share her story, and keeping her videos online. No, she takes everything offline, gives no opportunity for people to communicate with her, and gives up everything. In doing so, she calls the year 2024 the year 0 of “her name,” as if anyone is ever going to notice that she gave her life. It is bizarre! And in my opinion just a corruption of the Christ story.

So that’s already 3 people just trying to convince me to submit and give up. When certain patterns become apparent in life or in the content that you take in, you should always pay attention, because then the Universe wants to tell you something. This is not a pure force that you have to listen to 100% of the time. In that regard, you just have to continue to trust your own instincts, and get them balanced as much as possible. As I describe in my previous article, these powers also get it wrong sometimes, and they can manipulate you, and you determine what you accept from them and what you do not. And they listen to that, because they have to honor free will. So to the lady who is now giving up her life and allowing herself to be taken over voluntarily while taking everything she has produced offline (she calls it “misery”) I said, that the unity the Satanic powers seek is one where one’s own voice is extinguished, and that it is important to keep your own voice heard. But I don’t think the message got through, and I have no way to communicate with her anymore. It’s a pity. And I think it’s neglectful to herself and neglectful to the world. You can be so careful with everyone and with information, and not put any “misery” online, but the only one you are helping by that is the Satanic powers themselves. You can debate what taking responsibility means: you killing your own voice, and renouncing your life; or to let your own voice be heard, and collapse all systems possibly. That both things are going to happen en masse is certain. As I said, Brenda Weltner puts it this way, that the evil powers want all their own systems to collapse, and that from those ashes, the phoenix rises and the new World Order can be installed. And that the good powers give up their lives. Then perhaps I belong to the evil powers, because I keep resisting and posting information. Too bad. I find that simple good/evil thinking silly anyway, because no one has created themselves, and only limited change is possible in people, especially if the identity is already developed. All people contribute, by doing both good and evil. Everyone plays his part. People can tolerate a lot if good or evil is administered in the right place. There is a place and a time for everything. Real evil is characterized by not being administered at the right time and place.

What I am further inclined to learn by the lady who is now voluntarily having her life taken over, (at least if she is not fooling me), is that Satanic abuse does take place among souled people, and that it is good that those people are given a voice. The Dutch government investigated this phenomenon in 2021 and 2022. And I remember well that the victims who wanted to tell their stories wanted different people in the commission, because there was not enough trust in the then current people in the commission. I incorrectly stated in the Satanic ritual abuse chapter of Section 3 of my story, that they are probably all taken over people, both perpetrators and victims, but this isn’t true is my current opinion. The victims are real. They are non-taken over people, just like the perpetrators. The perpetrators are family members of the victims who have contact with high-ups in business and government. And the takeover is a phenomenon of recent years. Which has to do with the course of human development on this world. I do not rule out that there are high-ups who have been taken over and have sexual contact with underage victims who have been taken over (by possibly adult entities), but to say that this applies to all cases is going too far. I have therefore corrected this in the Satanic ritual abuse chapter in Section 3 of my story.

In short, another choice becomes visible in the big picture. It reminds me of the advertisement for the HBO series House of the Dragon, which is advertised on important buildings in America. “All must choose” it says on these buildings. Check this video of the Wall Street advertisement. But do we really have to choose? There is, of course, already the choice between Lucifer and Satan, which you can override by walking the middle path (= the path of Christ). And there is the choice between Christ and Antichrist, which I have described in this article. But the further you stay on the Christ side as we know the Christ, i.e. giving up his life, the more you allow the Antichrist to do his work. That’s what I think. So ultimately you will have to walk a middle path here too and influence the Antichrist’s behavior with your works. Because they are listening to you and your voice. Check again this Image. The Christ-force has reciprocal relationships with both Lucifer, Satan, and the Antichrist. So it’s very important not to extinguish your own voice.

I have mentioned in this article three examples of people who want to convince you to just give your life away, without any effort. I have often been at this point too, and with much drama and melancholy you then sit and plan and think about how to prepare yourself for that. But it’s still important to persevere, and even though I myself often struggle to motivate myself, I want to motivate anyone reading this to persevere. Even if I only help one person with it, it won’t have been in vain.

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