
A video has appeared on the internet of a woman on an airplane, completely panicked, shouting that a man on the plane is ‘not real’. The internet is going wild about what is going on here.

‘That motherf*cker is not real!’
Does woman on plane expose reptilian alien?

I came by an extraordinary clip on YouTube, an item on Benny Johnson’s “The Benny Show”. In the clip, we see a lady on an airplane, who seems completely panicked. She is shouting through the plane that there is someone on the plane who is not real. And that she doesn’t want to die and so she wants out of the plane. The presenter Benny Johnson explains that people are speculating on the Internet what is going on. But there are actually a few layers of hidden information about this event that I want to explain briefly. People on the internet speculate that the woman has spotted a shapeshifter. Benny thinks she might have been hallucinating, but the first layer of hidden information is that she was not hallucinating, but that she really saw that it was a shapeshifter, as David Icke’s information describes shapeshifters of a reptilian nature, who hide their real form by projecting a human form and have to eat human flesh to maintain this form. The video from The Benny Show also mentions this. This is of course a terrible reality if it were true, and so it scares the hell out of many people, including this woman, although she is probably unaware of Icke’s information, but that supposedly then gives it more credibility, and supposedly gives people the reason to figure it out themselves. Which is what I’m doing here now. So this is one layer of hidden information. Something that observant and awake people would be led to believe. But this is a false reality being outlined. For there is a second layer of information that is being covered, one that is much more real, and more towards the real truth. And that is, that there are indeed people who are different from the souled people here on Earth. These are the people who, at some point, have been taken over by Antichrist entities, and who are conspiring with each other in a great conspiracy, in which they treat the souled people by acting evil. These taken over people (I call them Antichrist entities), pretend to be reptilian aliens (Dragons), and want you to believe that they can eat you and that we are in the middle of a real alien invasion, one with real aliens pretending to be humans. All the alien propaganda you’ve seen in recent years is preparing us for this layer of truth. But it is a layer that is not entirely true. Yes, there is some kind of alien invasion going on, but it is an invasion of taken over humans. These are not actual physical aliens, but they are entities that are different from us, and that have been stranded in their development at some point and incarnated on Earth in the bodies of existing humans, in order to accelerate the development of humanity by infiltrating it. So the second layer of hidden information is that the woman on the plane could sense that the young man in the green hoodie had been taken over, and that this caused her to panic considerably. No need for physical aliens, just taken over people, who come across as “not real”.

I can also sense often if someone has been taken over, and it’s frightening if you think they will physically attack you, when they don’t at all. In fact, they can take you over without touching you, because they have an invisible connection with everyone’s mind. So if they take you over, they most likely do it in your sleep, when you don’t notice anything. You then become part of their clan, joining the vast conspiracy to deceive humanity. Your original self is then gone to the afterlife, and there is another soul in your body. This is scary information, but there is a way humanity can overcome this. And that is by, if you notice something like this around you, making a move outward, and letting humanity know that this is happening around you. By creating works and telling the truth, you walk the way of Christ, and they immediately leave you and the people around you alone. So you can protect those around you that way. They also want to tempt you to make that move outward as aggressively as possible, but that’s exactly what you shouldn’t do, because then they’ll take you over right away. Just calmly making your point and working through your feelings is the best thing you can do when you are noticing them.

So we have now seen the second layer of information, that the woman on the plane probably noticed that this man with the green hoodie was taken over. It raises the speculation that this man is a reptilian alien, or can shapeshift, something that this woman probably saw, which is thus the first layer. But maybe there is a third layer, one of which I’m not entirely sure, and that is that the woman who is so panicked was also taken over. There being an Antichrist entity in her body as well, and her acting (as these entities can often do brilliantly) that she has seen a man who is not real, to make you speculate and make you believe, that shapeshifters are real. At one point, as Benny shows in his show, the woman does the same thing we see the Baphomet do, (Image), the hermaphrodite with the head of a goat: two fingers of one hand in the air, and two fingers of the other hand pointing to the ground, representing “as above, so below.” Many people see the Baphomet as the ultimate symbol of evil. And maybe it’s not entirely coincedental that the woman on the plane assumed this pose, and that there were stills taken of her assuming this pose. It can mean that she was also taken over, and that she wants to communicate it in that way. Maybe I’m wrong! In that case: we should always defend people with such panic attacks, for it’s definitely real that there are imposters around us, who just mimic the original personality they have taken over, and this can be terrifying if you notice it. So don’t judge someone right away, but rather question what’s really happening. Read the chapter Psychosis from Section 3 of my story to find out more about what people think Psychosis is, and what it actually is.

In this video we see a sequel to the first video from The Benny Show, and we see a guy on TikTok saying that he was on the same plane, and that this woman had a whole conversation with the man in the green hoodie, but that he just didn’t say anything back. Perhaps the woman would have experienced that he did talk back, but there was nothing for other people to see. This guy says that the man in the green hoodie winked at him, but not horizontally, as humans do, but vertically like reptiles do. This guy later puts in the description of his video that it is fake, and that he wants to see what people are going to believe. It is clear that people’s perception of the situation is being played with. This guy must have been taken over as well, and is playing along in the grand conspiracy to scare people. If you look closely, you will see a comment by ‘dgames1210’ next to the video, saying that she saw this guy on someone else’s video, and that he was indeed on the plane. But I don’t believe this either. Taken over people obviously know when someone belongs to their clan and when they are telling lies, and they then leave comments supporting this person and the lie, to further confuse people. And I think that’s also going on here. It’s actually somewhat transparent.

Another taken over person who mockingly talks about the situation is Michael Knowles, who shows a video of the man in the green hoodie in his show. We see this man tell us that he is a Freemason, that he fancies himself Lucifer, and that the woman on the plane questioned him about whether he knew what all those symbols he has tattooed on his face mean, and that she then slowly panicked more and more! Knowles thinks it makes sense for the woman to hold him accountable and suspects the woman probably had one too many drinks. The man in the green hoodie also happens to describe exactly that he winked at the boy who had been filming. Then again, you have to watch the layers of information. Apparent reality is how Michael Knowles describes it. The first layer of hidden information is that shapeshifting reptilian aliens are real. The second layer of hidden information is that they are all taken over entities who are holding hands with each other and protect each other, including Michael Knowles and Benny from The Benny Show, and that the man in the green hoodie is just acting out what could save the situation for these entities, if the panicking woman on the plane was real. And the third layer is that probably even the woman who was panicking was part of the script. Because people who really speak out against these entities really don’t go viral so easily, especially at the advanced stage we are at where a larger number of people than ever have been taken over. These entities will take care of that. So regular people are being played by a massive invasion of con artists. It’s all one big perception deception.

It is very easy to create a false reality with a huge group of taken over people, one that is terrifying, and where we are all lost, when it is anything but the truth. These Antichrist aliens actually want you to see through their motives, and to create works about them. That is why they act out this kind of scripted play. If they were really aliens who want to eat us, they would want to do everything as much as possible in secret and would be terrified that someone would catch them doing what they are doing, but they are not at all! Yes, they are evil, but it is always to teach you something and to teach you how to deal with deadly threats. Therefore, the simplistic terror-based interpretations people sometimes have are just shitty nonsense, and should not be taken seriously by anyone.

Remarkably, I knew such an event like this was coming. In fact, I was prepared last week through the “inspirational quotes” I receive on Facebook that someone would need my defense. At least, that was what I gathered from it. These Antichrist entities communicate through these “inspirational quotes” on Facebook, and when I respond to them, they then respond back with another apt quote. It is weird, but nevertheless the truth that there is a connection between people’s minds, and social media. We have to defend everyone who is panicking if they saw strange things, because they need it most, for they are the first to be called crazy by the masses. In this case I’m hesitant to believe it was a genuine panicked reaction with the woman in the plane, but tend to think it rather smacks of an acted outburst, but I could be wrong, and in that case we just have to protect her and hope that she will share publicly what really happened. Because that is how you can protect yourself and others from being taken over by these entities.

The man in the green hoodie was a different man than the one Michael Knowles so deceptively featured on his show. After all, he had no face tattoos. But now it turns out that the plane the man with the green hoodie was on was also a completely different plane than the one the panicking woman was on. You can tell by the different baggage compartments. Yet more deception, in other words. Videos are also released that make fun of the whole event, such as this video. Such great humor! But not really!
In this video we can see another person who panics after seeing something. He is immediately floored by a bunch of cavemen instead of being let off the plane and asked what he saw. His panic reaction is more intense than the woman’s, but again comes across as believable. But again, I have the conviction that he is again a taken over actor. Anything to make humanity believe in shapeshifting reptilian aliens taking over the world, the so-called “awake” people being the instigators of this lie. I refuse to participate in it.
It is also possible that even the people who overpower the man are taken over, playing the henchmen of the so-called shapeshifter, who overpower the waking soul so that he becomes calm again. But those henchmen could also be ordinary people who interpret the panic as aggression. But it is suspiciously reminiscent of the movie “They Live” (1988), which I also shared in the Introduction.
On Facebook, this inspirational quote also appeared: “Prepare yourselves! The shift is about to hit the fan!” That probably means that mass panic is about to break out and we should prepare ourselves…. Don’t panic people. Stay calm. And focus your attention inwards! If you stay calm and share what’s on your mind, nothing can harm you, even if there’s chaos all around you!
The fact that the government here in the Netherlands is now demissonary again was precisely planned! If a Project Bluebeam-like event occurs later, and people panic en masse, the demissionary government can do whatever it wants, so that people who direct their aggression outward can be effectively treated (mistreated!) and people who tell the truth can be thwarted with temporary laws that go against fundamental rights.

Another video has surfaced, showing the woman being escorted out of the airport. Clearly, she is very concerned that the passengers on the plane will not survive the flight. This is also why she left the plane just before the flight. It is said that she allegedly hit people, but probably it were people who wanted to stop her from leaving the plane. If you are really afraid that no one will survive, then the right thing to do is to use your voice and warn everyone and then leave the plane. Then I would also start hitting, if they stopped me. I truly believe that she was genuinely very scared, and that she has absolutely no need to apologize for her behavior. When you’re scared, that’s when you do strange things. So I somewhat take back my suspicions that the woman was taken over and just acting. It comes across as so sincere, now that I’ve seen this video, that I just feel compassion for this woman, and that I don’t think she was acting. We’ll just never really know.
I have great respect for this lady for using her voice. I don’t care that the plane was delayed for a moment, because at that moment, this was much more important. But no one is asking this lady the right questions. Nor did she take the opportunity to explain herself. The apology video she recorded does not go down well with me. The woman in the video doesn’t look anything like the original woman, and I guess it’s just to mislead again, and to cause more confusion, which I’m sick of. Chances are this lady has now been taken over, for doing the right thing! We have all seen what happened with flights like MH370 and MH17, and this woman was genuinely afraid, that the plane with all the passengers would not survive, maybe because that “motherf*cker” on the plane who was “not real”, had said something to her, which was probably planned and which made her panic.
And if you read the comment sections under those videos, all I can say is that the world is full of idiots, but this lady was not one of them. Even the idiot who made that last video let out theories, just like the idiots in the comment sections. “She was on drugs!” “She didn’t take her meds!” Too little drugs or too much drugs, you tell me! Another often suspected reason is “She was intoxicated!” As if people can’t act strange without drugs or alcohol. It’s so stupid! Some other reasons include: “She was schizophrenic, so we shouldn’t take her seriously”, “She was probably hungry!” “She was a woman and they always act up!” The fact that people can suspect these reasons with a straight face is beyond me! And the last one: “She wasn’t in control of her emotions!” Americans always think the world will end when someone expresses their emotions. All those annoying American cops attest to that, who when you get irritated and express that, start with their panicked “Calm down“‘s and their excessive commands. Who has to calm down exactly? As if you can control the fear out of someone?! Ridiculous! It doesn’t work like that! Precisely when you listen to someone’s emotions, and start a real conversation, and thus ask the right questions, you find out what is driving someone, and you can calm down someone. The fact that we don’t make time for such things in this world is outrageous.
If more info follows about these happenings, I will of course share it.

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