

This article describes one big lie of World War II and the reason for this lie.

The Holo Hoax

One subject that still scares people if you question it, is the Holocaust. As if you yourself were guilty of gassing Jews by questioning it. If you start investigating what is true of the claims that Jews were gassed, you quickly come to the testimonies in, for example, a film like “Survivors of the Holocaust” by Steven Spielberg. These witness testimonies contradict themselves quite a bit and are bursting with interpretations, without critical questioning, and knowing that there is a group of Zionists who have a hefty hand in controlling the banking world, the media, politics, religion and so on, it wouldn’t even be such a strange idea, to think that the extreme story of the gas chambers is purely fabricated to create a victim status for these Zionists in positions of power (the U.S. government is full of them too: David Icke calls them Rothschild Zionists), because there is absolutely no physical evidence for these events, only stories of “hearsay,” and people who have started parroting each other and validating each other in this eternal victim status. By the way, these powerful Zionists look down heavily on the ordinary Jewish people and perpetuate racist interpretations of Jews against non-Jews, the Gentiles. As a Zionist you can get away with everything, ‘cause when you are being criticised by someone, you simply draw the ‘anti-Semitism card’ and immediately end up in a perpetrator-victim relationship with the other as a Hitler who likes to gas people, and the Zionist Jew as a defenseless victim. I find this alleged victimhood questionable. Nobody is above criticism, not even Jewish people. I think everyone should look at their own views critically. Conscientiously following all kinds of rules that most people don’t even know the origin of, is ridiculous in my opinion, but that’s really what many Jews do. I always wonder if these people feel their own self. It’s very satanic, but the Abrahamic religions have become corrupted with satanic influences anyway. Whoever feels his own self, and has really worked through his own aggression, just trusts his guts, and doesn’t need all kinds of rules to do the right thing or to come closer to God. Apart from that Zionism is just pure evil and very racist.

If you watch the film by David Cole, an atheistic Jew who researched Auschwitz in his film David Cole, A Jew Exposing The Holocaust, you’ll soon see that nothing is what it seems in Auschwitz, and that there is evidence for the use of Zyklon-B in the launderettes, and in delicing, but the evidence is lacking for something as horrible as gas chambers. In the past, lies were also told about soap made from the fat of dead Jews, and from lampshades made from Jewish skin, but that did not stick amongst the people, the myth of gas chambers did. Also interesting is Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told, at Bitchute, which tells the other side of the story of the Second World War, a story that most people only know from one side, the side of the victors, the Allies, who committed as many atrocities as the Nazis. Also Europa - The Last Battle is a good documentary which tells about this history from the other side.

This blog article shows the real numbers killed in the labor camps, which are around 280,000, which of course is far too many, but far from the so-called 6 million. Conditions were especially bad toward the end of the war, and there were many diseases in the labor camps. They were not concentration or extermination camps, as there was even entertainment, and doctors and dentists. The blog article describes in detail how the Holocaust lie came about. And my addition is that the lie is perpetuated, with the help of a vast network of taken over people who are all controlled. For the purpose of protecting the Satanic Zionist powers.
Furthermore, this book contains many links to even more Holocaust revisionist reading material.

It can’t hurt to be critical of certain fixed ideas we have in the Western world. Most of the things that the masses think they know (and woe betide you, if you deviate from that (apparently we all have to think the same way)), will fall apart when you start investigating it. As well on this subject. Surely it is ridiculous that in some countries you are thrown in jail when you ask questions about the Holocaust, because powerful Zionists want to keep sticking the victim status on unsuspecting Jews, so that they, supported by these well-meaning Jews, can carry out their plans, without getting any opposition or criticism! I am always on my guard, when powerful people frantically control what you have to think, because then it can never contain much truth and it can also hide the real truth. Moreover, the story that most people know of the Second World War, told from the victor’s position, is that the Americans are pure good, and the Nazis are pure evil, and Hitler is the most evil man you can imagine. Anyone who eventually, after watching some videos or reading the right books, gets a more nuanced picture of what happened, will see that Hitler pulled Germany out of a deep crisis and resisted the communist Jews and bankers who had destroyed Germany, who hated Germany before Hitler could hate them, and that he was forced into war by Churchill, who did not accept Hitler’s many proposals for peace. Hitler started, as often happens with powerful politicians, as a sincere person, and according to Abraxas from Thuban (a taken over dragon who posted on the Birth of Gaia-forum), was taken over at a certain point by a Luciferic entity, a walk-in entity, who took over his body. (Exactly what happened in my life to many people). “Lucifer” stands for extreme self-love. “I am okay, you are not okay!” And that is what is very apt for what happened in the Second World War. Apart from that, the Zionists who are now in American politics are descendants of the Nazis who were given shelter in America after the war in Project Paperclip. Nazionists, or Zionazi’s, some people call them. Can you be a Zionist and a Nazi? At the same time? Yes, you can, if you understand that both sides are controlled and financially supported by the same people. Unfortunately, many Jews allow themselves to be misled by Zionazi’s who have power and who want endless wars. I have already explained the cosmic meaning of this in other articles, but I will explain it again in other words: It is to create periods of intense polarization and friction, so that people are challenged to develop themselves and become more resilient, to alternate it with rest periods, as we have had for the past 75 years (at least here in the West), so that people can regain their strength. It is to fully experience the result of mistakes, or wrong developmental paths, so that the people who come after you can learn from them, if they pay attention. That way the world will eventually move forward, but it feels so wrong to me because so many people die in every conflict! But it is my firm belief that those who ultimately pick up the sword will die by the sword. And that those who fight with the Word have eternal life. If it isn’t in this life, it will surely be in what comes after this life.

Now to prevent people from thinking that I am taking sides with the Arabs in the Arab-Israeli conflict, for example, I will provide some criticism of Muslims as well: Because I believe that Muslims too must learn to become better human beings. Many of them think that if they don’t drink alcohol and don’t eat pork, they are a good person, which of course is utter nonsense. They are still made very welcome here in the Netherlands by much of the Netherlands, as if they are all sweet well-meaning people. The big problem of criminality among those groups you cannot name and especially you cannot criticize, because then you are indecent, or racist or xenophobic. And you must not put this into perspective, no, you must reject it adamantly according to these people, because you are only allowed to say good things about people apparently. Because we must all deny our own power so that we can be one in a kind of love paradise where only positivity exists, and we all cuddle with each other for all eternity, preferably with as many people as possible at the same time, doesn’t matter what color, what gender, because preference is not allowed either. Love for everyone, because everyone is good! Unfortunately, this kind of love (which often amounts to condoning or denying evil in the other) is not the love I think is good for this world! It may be love for the other, but it is hatred or fear of self (oikophobia), it is the false light: “I am not okay, you are okay,” and this can be called Satanic, the opposite of what I described with Lucifer’s self-love. Of course, the path we all have to work toward, with the help of the influences at play in this world, is the middle path: “I am okay, you are okay.” But if people refuse to learn this, and they will refuse, because it is very difficult, then unfortunately we will still see many wars, which are nothing but the hard teacher of the then prevailing evil forces. There is a rightful place for this confrontation. But it becomes a problem when this powerful and mighty goodness does not reach the right people at the right times. And this is the real evil, and it is perpetrated not only by taken over people (because they are very controlled from above and look at what YOU and I allow), but by humanity itself, which does evil by making mistakes and allowing others to do evil.

So, I see Earth as a great purgatory location, where you must stand trial for previous mistakes you have made, and try to make as few new mistakes as possible in your life. The three evil forces, Lucifer, Satan, and Antichrist, will first want to make you evil, so that you learn to recognize evil. But after that, with the help of these same influences, you will work toward a point where you transform the evil of all three forces into good, and you will purge yourself of immoral impulses, aligning your personality with the moral order of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Only then can you stand trial in a healthy way and atone for the evil you have committed in your life and past lives. And only then can you say in a convincing way:

“Never again!!!”

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Section 1: 1984-2017

Section 1


A brief overview of my childhood, how my treatment for severe anxiety and identity issues went all wrong, and how I deal with the disastrous consequences.

Section 2: 2018-2023

Section 2


How I discover information about entities taking over bodies and how these entities eventually open the attack on me and those around me.

Section 3: various topics

Section 3

various topics

An explanation for my experiences in therapy, multiple other things I have discovered in my quest for truth, and my opinion on additional matters.




These are some of the articles I have written over time. Some are offline now, but have reappeared in the three sections of my story, displayed in the Introduction.